L’Anti-Atlas marocain
L’Anti-Atlas marocain L’Anti-Atlas marocain constitue le domaine structural majeur du Sud du Maroc (Figure I-3). Il s’agit d&rs
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ORE DEPOSITS IN THE ANTI-ATLAS AND SUB-ATLAS REGIONS The Anti-Atlas geological province is the host of a variety of ore deposits, ranging from Paléoprotérozoïque to Ordovician in age. These deposits are mainly Cu-A
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Volcano crystals could make it easier to predict eruptions
Volcano crystals could make it easier to predict eruptions Predicting when a volcano is going to explode is a very difficult task. Every volcano has its own unique and complex maze of tunnels that feed magma to the surface. So even w
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Curious Kids: why doesn’t lava melt the side of the volcano?
Curious Kids: why doesn’t lava melt the side of the volcano? This is an article from Curious Kids, a series for children. The Conversation is asking kids to send in questions they’d like an expert to answer. All questions
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La métallogénie pour les nuls… Comment former un gisement?
La métallogénie pour les nuls… Comment former un gisement? C’est la question à laquelle doit répondre la métallogénie. Cette discipline est relativement récente dans les u
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